Specifial Edition of the Revista Revista Internacional de derecho y Ciencias Sociales “Academic freedom and university autonomy in the Americas”
Institution: Coalition for Academic Freedom in the Americas (CAFA)
Publication date: November 2023
Editors: Salvador Herencia Carrasco, Jesse Levine & Rafael Ibarrra Garza
Language: English, Spanish & Portuguese
This special edition, edited by the Law School of the Universidad de Monterrey and published by Tirant Lo Blanch, features papers in English, Portuguese, and Spanish that were presented and discussed at the 2022 CAFA Conference.1 These papers offer important analysis and recommendations of conference participants, including analysis of international standards for the protection of academic freedom and diverse threats affecting higher education
communities in the hemisphere, as well as methods, protocols, mechanisms, and other opportunities for preventing attacks and safeguarding and promoting academic freedom.
Article: Precisamos falar do “efeito balbúrdia”: um diálogo com Paulo Freire sobre o papel da extensão em tempos de ataques à educação pública
Institution: Instituto Federal Fluminense do Brasil
Publication date: September 2020
Authors: Pâmella Passos and Evelyn Morgan
Language: Portuguese
This article is published in the context of a series of attacks on universities and public institutions in Brazil. Written by Professors Pâmella Passos and Evelyn Morgan, the article invites us to reflect on Paulo Freire’s contributions in the field of Extension, a key concept in Freire’s philosophy. It is worth mentioning that the works of Paulo Freire, an internationally renowned educator, have also been criticised by conservative sectors that advocate a neutral and impartial education as opposed to a critical, democratic and emancipatory education.